Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Ireland Releases New DOE Road Safety “Bike Aware” PSA

I’ve always been of the belief that PSAs have a universal effect to them, especially when you’re talking about road safety. It really doesn’t matter where you are in the world. Being careful on the road applies to anybody who ever drives a car or rides a motorcycle. So even if this PSA was created by the Irish government for its local riders, the message still applies in other parts of the world, including in the US.

Let’s face it: far too many lives are lost when somebody’s distracted while he’s riding or driving. These lives don’t have to end, but because of somebody’s recklessness, these poor victims end up paying the ultimate price. That shouldn’t be the case yesterday, today, and tomorrow. These are all avoidable scenarios if you just pay attention to the road when you’re riding or driving.

I can’t stress this enough because I’ve seen family members get involved in nasty accidents on the road because of this. I lost a cousin because of this and almost lost an uncle if not for the quick thinking of other people. This is a story that a lot of families share and it’s not just the victims that have to live with this burden for the rest of their lives. Families seeing loved ones in jail because is equally heartbreaking.

Ok, the video’s a little depressing to watch, especially this early in the morning. It also seems to paint motorcycle riders in a bad light, but the truth actually cuts both ways. That could very well be a motorcycle rider minding his own business and then a car hits it because the driver was texting or doing something he shouldn’t have been doing while behind the wheel of the car.

The lesson, as always, is to be more careful when you’re riding or driving. If you do that, then there shouldn’t be any problems and we can take comfort knowing that we’ll all get home in one piece…and not in a box.

Ireland Releases New DOE Road Safety “Bike Aware” PSA originally appeared on topspeed.com on Tuesday, 17 March 2015 09:00 EST.

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from Top Speed http://ift.tt/1CrJ4IL



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