Monday, August 8, 2016

Aeromobil 3.0

We’ve all sat back and thought about how cool it would be if cars could fly. That’s the thing about us humans – we always look at what we have and want more. It can be looked at as greedy, but at the same time, it has pushed the human species into a technological era that has allowed us to travel at excessive speeds and even leave our very own planet. Back in 1940, Henry Ford said: “Mark my word: A combination airplane and motorcar is coming. You may smile, but it will come.”

He got a lot of laughs that day, but wouldn’t you know it; he was right. I introduce you to the Aeromobil 3.0 – a functional car/plane prototype that has been doing real world testing since October of 2014. To put it simply, this thing is wild. The unique design of the wings allows it to park in a normal parking space, yet when deploy allows the vehicle to take off in a much shorter distance that your everyday small plane.

To be clear, this specific model is an improved prototype over the AeroMobil 2.5, and can use any airport on the planet. It’s also versatile and is able to land on any grass stripe or paved surface. So, in theory, with a long enough back yard, you could take off and land on your own property with what seems like very little modification. With that said, I’m excited to take a closer look at this awesome flying car, so let’s get to it.

from Top Speed


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