Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Tesla Comes up with Another Excuse for the Fatal Model S Accident

The blows to Tesla just keep on coming after the Model S accident that resulted in the first Autopilot-related death. Under pretty heavy scrutinizing, the company is under investigation by the NTSB to determine if the Autopilot system in that Model S is at fault, while the NHTSA is currently investigating whether or not the system poses an unreasonable risk to driver safety. As part of the ongoing investigations, Tesla has now reportedly told the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee that it has two theories of why the Model S in that fatal accident crashed, but somehow still manages to deny that the Autopilot system is at fault.

That’s the news reported by Reuters, which is citing a source that is “familiar” with the meeting. Tesla is apparently looking at two potential reasons for the crash. The first is that the radar and camera input for the emergency braking system failed to detect the truck and trailer. The other potential reason is that the system may have falsely discounted the input received indicating the trailer as an obstacle. According to Tesla, the system is designed to “tune out” structures like bridges or overhead signs to avoid braking under false pretenses.

So far Tesla has remained largely silent on the issue and the meeting, with the exception of suggesting that the camera and radar systems weren’t at fault. Tesla has confirmed to Reuters that the meeting has occurred, but has yet to disclose the major topics of conversation that occurred during the meeting. According to Reuters’s source, Tesla views the emergency braking system as a separate entity from the Autopilot system. For the record, it has been announced by the NTSB that the Model S involved in the fatal accident was doing nine mph over the posted 65 mph speed limit when the accident occurred.

from Top Speed http://ift.tt/2asoykK


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