Audi India has issued a recall for the Audi Q7 SUV over a flaw in the braking system. In total, 382 units of the Q7 SUV manufactured between March and December 2012 have been recalled in the country so far. The German carmaker states that this recall is part of a global exercise under which it has called back around 70,000 units of the Audi A4, Audi A5, Audi A6 and Audi A7 sedans and SUV models Audi Q5 and Audi Q7 to replace the vacuum line in the brake system.
The company has stated that the defective vacuum line may cause engine oil to enter in the braking system which can damage the diaphragm in the brake and affect its efficiency. The brakes would still work, but will require a lot more pressure on the pedal.
Audi dealers will get in touch with owners of the affected cars and arrange an appointment at their workshops. They will then inspect the vacuum line with the non-return valve for possible leakage of engine oil and replace the vacuum line in case any leakage is detected. The process will take approximately 30 minutes and will be carried out free of charge. Dealers will also inspect the brake booster system for oil contamination. If there is oil contamination, additional components may be replaced.
Audi confirmed that any other variant of Q7, petrol or diesel, other than 3.0 TDI version is not affected by this issue.
from zigwheels
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