Monday, August 31, 2015

Hyundai N 2025 Vision Gran Turismo

The Vision Gran Turismo project has provided quite the list of poster-worthy concept vehicles from some of the biggest automakers in the world. The 2015 Volkswagen GTi Supersport looked positively gnarly. The 2015 SRT Tomahawk was sheer and utter madness. And don’t even get me started on the 2015 Chevrolet Chaparral 2X. To this day, I still can’t wrap my head around that thing. Today, though, isn’t the day to reminisce on what’s already been launched. Today is the day all of us welcome another virtual concept to the Vision Gran Turismo roster. It comes by way of Hyundai, and it’s called the N 2025.

There aren’t that many details about the N 2025 out yet. The N 2025 will make its debut on Sept. 15th at the 2015 Frankfurt Motor Show.

The company did drop some teaser photos of the concept before the covers are officially pulled. Best remember, though, as exciting as it is to see the N 2025 in all its glory, don’t expect to see it as a production race car. Not today, not tomorrow, and certainly not in 2025.

The "N" in the concept’s name is only a mere mention of the company’s upcoming "N" performance division. Sure, the concept might include some designs and technologies that Hyundai could implement in the future, but like all the VGT concepts, the N 2025 is meant more for the virtual world than the real one.

Continue reading for my full review of the N 2025 Vision Gran Turismo Concept.

from Top Speed


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